

Heart diseases and diabetes both are the most common health problems nowadays. And heart diseases are very common in people who are having diabetes. Even the reports have proved that 65% of the people who are having diabetes are at risk of heart diseases or stroke, it is also true that the risk of heart diseases and stroke are more more than twice as high in people with diabetes. As in diabetes people have increased chance of developing a heart disease but this condition is more common in type 2 diabetes and in fact heart diseases are the most common cause of death in people having type 2 diabetes. Symptoms of heart failure:- Fatigue and lethargy Shortness of breath with any kind of activities or even while lying down Irregular heartbeat or rapid heartbeat Excess of cough with white or pink blood mucus Nausea Swelling of the abdomen Decrease in alertness Difficulty in concentrating Chest pain that may vary according to time Causes of heart disease in people with diabetes:- The most com


Heart failure also known as congestive heart failure - generally occurs when the heart muscles does not pump the enough blood as it should. What heart failure occurs the blood of an backs up that may lead to to build up of fluid in the lungs, that usually causes shortness of breath. Many of the heart diseases sources coronary artery disease ( narrowing in the arteries of heart) Or high blood pressure can cause weakening of heart health that may lead to improper flow of blood and heart failure. Heart failure is irrespective of any age but generally occurs in ages above 40 because of many factors such as un healthy lifestyle, no routine of exercises, over taking of salt , the only way to prevent the heart failure is to change the lifestyle and to control conditions that may cause heart failure such as diabetes, obesity & high blood pressure. Symptoms of heart failure:- Heart failure can be due to many symptoms that include either due to any other heart conditions or due to the lifes


High cholesterol levels in the body can increase the risk of heart diseases and heart attack, medications play an important role in maintaining the cholesterol level and to improve them, but before medications the initial step that it is kept in mind is to make lifestyle changes & maintaining healthy eating habits.  Cholesterol is generally made in liver and also has many important functions like it helps keeping the walls of cells flexible that is needed to make several hormones. But excess of anything can cause problem meanwhile too much cholesterol can be a problem for the body, here are some of the tips that can help you to improve and maintain your cholesterol levels:- 1) Eat healthy foods that is good for your heart -  To improve the cholesterol levels only a few changes in your diet can help you a lot Reduce saturated fats - saturated fats are primarily found in red meat and full fat dairy products that can raise your total cholesterol. Decreasing the consumption of saturate

Diseases linked to high cholesterol

High cholesterol in the human body is linked to the higher risk of cardiovascular diseases this cardiovascular diseases can include coronary heart disease, stroke,  peripheral vascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, erectile dysfunction. In all of the following cases the main underlying cause of these diseases are because high cholesterol levels in the body can lead to fatty plaque deposits that build up inside the arteries all over the body. Well all of the conditions that are linked to the high cholesterol levels can be prevented and managed with help of very simple steps which may help in lowering the cholesterol levels.  Cholesterol and Coronary Heart Diseases:- The main risk factor which comes along with the high cholesterol level is the coronary heart disease, the coronary heart disease may lead to death from heart attack. Higher cholesterol levels in the body to build up of the plague in the walls of the arteries. This deposits can cause blockage or hardening of the ar

Cholesterol and heart diseases

What is cholesterol:-  Cholesterol is a waxy substance that is found in blood. Cholesterol generally helps the body to build new cells, insulation of nerves and production of hormones. Normally the liver is responsible for making the cholesterol the body needs, but the cholesterol also enters the body from the food and mostly animal based foods like milk, eggs, meat. Excess amount of cholesterol in the body is a highly risk factor for heart diseases.  How does high cholesterol cause heart disease? If there is excessive amount of cholesterol in the blood it leads to build up in the walls of arteries inform of fatty deposits, in the form of heart disease. Due to the deposits the arteries become narrow and the blood flow of the heart is slow down or blocked. Blood is main carrier of oxygen to the heart, and if the enough Oxygen and blood does not reaches the heart it may leads to heart problems and chest pain. And if the blood supply of any portion of the heart is completely cut off due t


Covid-19 it's basically a viral infection caused by SARS COV-2 coronavirus, it's basically a respiratory disease that affects the lungs and the respiratory tract, some of the symptoms that are common in coronavirus are dizziness, chest pain, shortness of breath, loss of taste, and smell. Having this symptom is not at all connected to the heart but, what if I tell you covid-19 can also lead to heart-related problems. The covid-19 coronavirus can damage the heart muscles and affects heart function.  This may be due to several reasons, basically, the heart cells contain angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 receptors where the coronavirus attaches before entering the cells. Because of this there can be hard damage due to a high level of inflammation in the body, during this the immune system fights the virus but the informative process can damage some healthy tissues including the heart.  As observed in 60% of patients diagnosed with covid-19 have a high pulse rate this is because, the

How to deal with heart failure to live longer

 What comes in mind when we hear the term heart failure, heart failure doesn't mean the heart has failed or the heart has stopped working. But it means the heart does not pump enough as it should pump. Nowadays heart failure is a common and a major problem which affects more than 10 million people, it is one of the most common cause of health issues in old ages. To prevent such hard diseases we need to learn how to keep a good balance and how to deal with it to live longer. Heart failure also known as congestive heart disease, is a major cause of chronic heart diseases such as narrowing in the arteries (coronary artery disease), high blood pressure, that leads the heart too week to pump blood properly. Causes of heart failure:- Heart failure is often developed after the condition that has weak and the heart, it can also occur if the heart is too stiff. Some of the conditions that can damage or weaken the heart and cause heart failure are: Coronary artery disease and he