High cholesterol levels in the body can increase the risk of heart diseases and heart attack, medications play an important role in maintaining the cholesterol level and to improve them, but before medications the initial step that it is kept in mind is to make lifestyle changes & maintaining healthy eating habits. 

Cholesterol is generally made in liver and also has many important functions like it helps keeping the walls of cells flexible that is needed to make several hormones. But excess of anything can cause problem meanwhile too much cholesterol can be a problem for the body, here are some of the tips that can help you to improve and maintain your cholesterol levels:-

1) Eat healthy foods that is good for your heart - 

To improve the cholesterol levels only a few changes in your diet can help you a lot

  • Reduce saturated fats - saturated fats are primarily found in red meat and full fat dairy products that can raise your total cholesterol. Decreasing the consumption of saturated fat can help you to reduce your low density lipoprotein cholesterol that is the bad cholesterol.

  • Eat food that is rich in Omega 3 fatty acids - Omega 3 fatty acids does not affect the low density lipoprotein cholesterol and they do have other heart healthy benefits as well which includes reducing the blood pressure, foods that contains Omega 3 fatty acids are Salman mackerel walnuts and flax seeds.

  • Eliminate trans fat - trans fats are responsible to raise the overall cholesterol levels the trans fat is usually listed on the food labels as hydrogenated vegetable oil that are often used  in store bought cookies crackles and cakes, stop eating pant food that contains preservatives in that.

  • Increase fiber - soluble fibres can help to reduce the absorption of cholesterol in the bloodstream, fibres are found in foods such as oats kidney beans sprouts apples and pears.

  • Whey protein - whey protein are generally found in dairy products whey protein is beneficial for many health benefits, studies have proved that whey protein helps in lower down low density lipoprotein cholesterol as well as the blood pressure.

2) Quit smoking -  

Quitting smoking can help you to improve high density lipoprotein cholesterol levels , smoking increases the risk of heart disease in several ways. The immune cells in people who smoke are unable to return the cholesterol from the blood vessels to the blood for transport to liver, these dysfunctional immune cells contribute in faster development of clogged arteries in the people who smoke.

3) Limit alcohol -

It's better to limit alcohol because moderate use of alcohol has been linked with higher levels of HDL cholesterol, too much of alcohol consumption can lead to serious health problems which includes high blood pressure heart failure and stroke. While the moderate alcohol can also improve reverse cholesterol transport which helps to reduce the risk of clogged arteries and heart health. 

4) Exercise daily - 

Exercises play a major role in improvement of cholesterol levels, moderate physical activity can help in raising high-density lipoprotein cholesterol that is the good cholesterol, it's important that you should workout at least 30 minutes of the day both the aerobic and anaerobic exercises. Exercises play an important role in maintaining your heart health , blood pressure , sugar levels and even in maintaining your weight. 
Always start with low intensity exercises like walking cycling playing your favourite sport.  Any type of exercise can improve cholesterol levels and promotes heart health the longer and the more intense the exercise is  the greater will be the benefits.

5) Lose weight - 

Weight loss is the key to improve the cholesterol levels of the body carrying extra pounds of weight to the body can increase the cholesterol. Avoid drinking sugary beverages increase your fluid intake like water stop eating packed foods and the best way is to track your calories, weight loss is also associated with better heart health and maintenance of blood pressure. Weight loss reduces the total cholesterol by decreasing the creation of new cholesterol in the liver, it's generally beneficial because it affects the HDL and LDL levels.

Dr. Sarita Rao is one of the Best cardiologists in Indore who is providing the treatment of Heart diseases since many years. If you are looking for the Top cardiologist in MP who offers treatment for diseases like Angiography, Angioplasty, TAVI, Pacemaker, Rotablation, Stent Implantation, AICD Implantation, Combo Device Implantation and Shockwave Lithotripsy IVL then Then Dr. Sarita Rao is a right choice for you.

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