Heart failure also known as congestive heart failure - generally occurs when the heart muscles does not pump the enough blood as it should. What heart failure occurs the blood of an backs up that may lead to to build up of fluid in the lungs, that usually causes shortness of breath.

Many of the heart diseases sources coronary artery disease ( narrowing in the arteries of heart) Or high blood pressure can cause weakening of heart health that may lead to improper flow of blood and heart failure. Heart failure is irrespective of any age but generally occurs in ages above 40 because of many factors such as un healthy lifestyle, no routine of exercises, over taking of salt , the only way to prevent the heart failure is to change the lifestyle and to control conditions that may cause heart failure such as diabetes, obesity & high blood pressure.

Symptoms of heart failure:-

Heart failure can be due to many symptoms that include either due to any other heart conditions or due to the lifestyle, here are some of the common sign and symptoms of the heart failure - 

  • Fatigue and lethargy
  • Shortness of breath with any kind of activities or even while lying down
  • Irregular heartbeat or rapid heartbeat
  • Excess of cough with white or pink blood mucus
  • Nausea
  • Swelling of the abdomen
  • Decrease in alertness
  • Difficulty in concentrating
  • Chest pain that may vary according to time
Even though these sign and symptoms maybe you too heart failure, there are also many other conditions that show the same sign and symptoms which are even more life threatening such as lung conditions.

Factors lead to heart failure:-

Generally the heart failure develops when the heart has already been damaged or weekend due to any other conditions, Heart failure may also occur when the heart becomes too stiff.

In the heart failure the main pumping chambers also called as ventricles become too stiff and are unable to pump the enough blood, in some of the people the cardiac muscles are the heart muscles become so weekend that the functionality affects itself.

As we have seen the heart failure may be due to weakening of heart muscles these are some of the conditions that are responsible for the weakening of heart and heart failure.
  • Coronary artery disease and heart attack
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart valves problems or faulty heart valves
  • Any inflammation in the heart muscles
  • Congenital heart defects
  • Arrhythmia
There might be acute heart failure due to some of the reasons that can cause sudden damage to the heart, it includes:-
  • Allergic reactions
  • Overuse of certain medications
  • Viral infections
  • Blood clots
Risk factors for heart failure:-

Heart failure is now a common problem across the generation which can happen to anyone however some of the risk factors may increase the development of this condition, it is often observed that there are higher cases of heart failure in male as compared to females. Symptoms like diabetes, coronary artery disease, past heart attack history are main Risk factors.

Some of the common diseases that can damage the heart and can also increase the risk of heart failure is
  • Anemia
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Emphysema
Other than this diseases there are common behaviour mistakes that can lead to heart failure which include - 
  • Smoking
  • Over eating food that are high in fats and cholesterol
  • Not getting enough exercises
  • Overweight/ obesity

Some of the serious complications that can be caused due to heart failure are - 
  • Kidney aur liver damage that is because of the reduced blood flow
  • Excessive fluid build up inside and around the lungs
  • Malnutrition can be occurred because of repetitive nausea and swelling in the abdomen that can cause serious problem while eating
  • Many other heart conditions such as arrhythmia, leaked heart valves or sudden cardiac arrest.
  • Pulmonary hypertension
Looking for the Best heart specialist in Indore? Contact Dr. Sarita Rao is one of the best cardiologists in Indore Madhya Pradesh. At Dr. Rao's Hrriddayam Heart Care Centre, Call now for an appointment at 9893925000 or visit online for more information https://drsaritaraocardiologist.com/

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