Diseases linked to high cholesterol

High cholesterol in the human body is linked to the higher risk of cardiovascular diseases this cardiovascular diseases can include coronary heart disease, stroke,  peripheral vascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, erectile dysfunction. In all of the following cases the main underlying cause of these diseases are because high cholesterol levels in the body can lead to fatty plaque deposits that build up inside the arteries all over the body.

Well all of the conditions that are linked to the high cholesterol levels can be prevented and managed with help of very simple steps which may help in lowering the cholesterol levels. 

Cholesterol and Coronary Heart Diseases:-

The main risk factor which comes along with the high cholesterol level is the coronary heart disease, the coronary heart disease may lead to death from heart attack. Higher cholesterol levels in the body to build up of the plague in the walls of the arteries. This deposits can cause blockage or hardening of the arteries or Atherosclerosis. The arteries which supply blood to the heart can marrow in certain areas which can slow down the blood flow to the part of heart muscles. Aur the cholesterol plagues breakdown and float to the smaller blood vessels and which can cause a total blockage of the arteries. All this cases of reduced blood flow can result in chest pain that is called angina or can cause Heart attack if the blood vessels completely get blocked.

Cholestrol and Stroke:-

The main causes of the stroke is uncontrolled high blood pressure, trauma or improper blood flow to the brain. High cholesterol levels does not just line the blood vessels that are in or around the heart but they also narrow certain arteries that pump the blood to the brain as well, if the deposits completely blocks or narrows the artery that supply the brain that may lead to stroke.

Cholestrol and peripheral vascular disease:-

As we have seen before the high cholesterol level can be harmful to the heart and brain, but the cholesterol plague can also cause severe symptoms in legs and the other areas outside the heart and brain. In which legs and feets are the most common, this symptoms commonly involves cramps in calves muscles which gets better with rest. 

Cholestrol and High BP:-

High Blood pressure has been one of the most common problems that is linked to high cholesterol levels, high cholesterol triggers information which leads to release of sperm and hormones that causes tightening and construction to the blood vessels that raises the blood pressure. High blood pressure for a longer period of time is also linked to heart diseases.

Cholestrol and Diabetes:-

Diabetes can lead to upset of the balance between levels of HDL and LDL. People with diabetes are often observed to have LDL particles that stick to the arteries and can damage the blood vessel walls more easily, glucose have the tendency to attach to the lipoproteins. The sugarcoated LDL remains in the bloodstream for the longer period of time which may lead to plaque. The people with diabetes have low HDL and high triglyceride levels which boost the risk of heart disease and artery diseases..

Cholesterol and erectile dysfunction:-

Condition when a man cannot achieve or maintain erection during sex. From a long period of time high cholesterol level seems to trigger the narrowing of the small blood vessels of the penis which may lead to erectile dysfunction. In addition to this when the person have too much LDL cholesterol it can build up with the arteries and can join with the other substances to form plaque that hardens or narrow the further blood vessels.

Cholestrol and obesity:-

Obesity is one of the common problems that is linked to the high cholesterol, obesity means extremely overweight with a body mass index of 30 or higher than that. People who are always are more likely to develop conditions like vessels blockage due to high cholesterol levels. 

Higher cholesterol levels may lead to several kind of disease, that can be harmful even in the early stages, it's very important to maintain and lower the cholesterol levels as the high risk of diseases can easily be triggered in case of any irresponsibilities. 

It's better you should always consult a Doctor if you have any kind of a disease or symptom,  worried about your heart health for any queries or doubt visit Dr Sarita Rao is one of the best cardiologist in Indore, Madhya Pradesh. She has been dealing with such kind of problems from a long time and have years of experience. Book an appointment today with the best heart specialist in Indore, Call now 9893925000 and online visit more information - https://drsaritaraocardiologist.com/

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To More Post: -  Cholesterol and heart diseases


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