
Showing posts with the label top female cardiologist in India

Breaking Barriers: Dr. Sarita Rao, India's Top Female Cardiologist, Leading the Charge for Gender Equity in Cardiology

Women’s empowerment is crucial for long-term development, particularly in fields like Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). While many countries have achieved gender equity in primary education, significant disparities remain in higher education, especially in STEM disciplines. Although an increasing number of women are earning advanced degrees, they continue to be underrepresented in professional roles, particularly at senior levels. This gender gap in STEM fields is further exacerbated by the underrepresentation of women in key scientific activities such as securing prestigious grants, authoring peer-reviewed papers, patenting innovations, and participating in international conferences. These activities are essential for career advancement, yet women are often less visible and less represented in these critical areas. The field of cardiology, particularly interventional cardiology, mirrors these challenges. Globally, women constitute only about 4% of interventiona