Cholesterol and heart diseases

What is cholesterol:- Cholesterol is a waxy substance that is found in blood. Cholesterol generally helps the body to build new cells, insulation of nerves and production of hormones. Normally the liver is responsible for making the cholesterol the body needs, but the cholesterol also enters the body from the food and mostly animal based foods like milk, eggs, meat. Excess amount of cholesterol in the body is a highly risk factor for heart diseases. 

How does high cholesterol cause heart disease?

If there is excessive amount of cholesterol in the blood it leads to build up in the walls of arteries inform of fatty deposits, in the form of heart disease. Due to the deposits the arteries become narrow and the blood flow of the heart is slow down or blocked. Blood is main carrier of oxygen to the heart, and if the enough Oxygen and blood does not reaches the heart it may leads to heart problems and chest pain. And if the blood supply of any portion of the heart is completely cut off due to be fatty deposits of cholesterol it may leads to heart attack. And sometimes these deposits can be break down suddenly forming a clot that can be main cause of stroke.

Causes :- Cholesterol are carried through blood, attached to the proteins. Combination of protein and cholesterol is called lipoprotein there are basically different type of cholesterol based on what the lipoprotein carries,  the two type of lipoproteins are:-

  • Low density lipoprotein (LDL)

LDL are the bad cholesterol, transports cholesterol particles throughout the body, LDL cholesterol are build up in the walls of artries, which make them hard and narrow.

  • High density lipoprotein (HDL)
HDL are the good cholesterol, this picks up excess cholesterol and takes it back to the liver.

  • Eating too much of saturated fats
  • Having too much body fats
  • Kidney or liver disease
  • Excessive alcohol and smoking
Various factors that you can control are in-activity, obesity and un healthy diet, These are the factors that contribute to harmful cholesterol and triglycerides levels. 

There are various medical conditions that can cause unhealthy cholesterol level in body are :-
  • Chronic kidney diseases
  • HIV / AIDS
  • Diabetes
  • Lupus
  • Hypothyroidism
Complications:- High cholesterol levels in the body and cause various complications that are even life threatening like atherosclerosis, which reduces the blood flow through the arteries and which can cause complications like:-

Chest pain -
if the arteries which are supplying the blood to the heart (coronary arteries)are affected there might be the chest pain (Angina) and other symptoms 9f Coronary artery diseases..

Heart attack - if plague or the deposits rapture, a blood clot can be formed at the sight of the rapture which can block the flow of blood and can lead to breakdown of blood  downstream. If due to this blockage any part of the heart does not get the proper blood flow there will be heart attack.

Stroke - similar to the heart attack, stroke can also occur when the blood clots blocks the blood flow of the brain.

Risk factor that can lead to heart diseases leading from high cholesterol are high blood pressure, diabetes, overweight, are being physically inactive.

Prevention:- Lifestyle changes can help you to lower your cholesterol levels and to prevent the diseases like heart attack, stroke, chest pain etc , the lifestyle changes includes changes in eating habits and provide in the accurate amount of activity needed to the body. To help preventing high cholesterol you can:
  • Quit smoking
  • Eat low salt diet 
  • Eating vegetables and fruits
  • Quit alcohol
  • Loose weight
  • Manage stress
  • Lower the amount of animal fats 
  • Eating good fats
  • Exercising regularly
  • Drink water
  • Do not relly on packed food items
If you are suffering from any kind of heart related issues for high cholesterol problems and have any similar issues no need to worry about, visit Dr. Sarita rao , Dr. Sarita Rao is the most prominent name in the field of Cardiologists, she is a Senior Interventional Cardiologist in Indore Madhya Pradesh with rich experience in patient service. At Dr. Rao's Hrriddayam Heart Care Centre, we have highly experienced and one of the Best heart specialist in Indore, Call 9893925000 or visit for more information


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