
Signs That Warn You About Heart Diseases – Cardiologist Near Me

 Would you notice if something was wrong with your heart? There may not always be obvious indicators of heart trouble. In real life, people don't always collapse to the ground clutching their chests in terror like in the movies. It isn't always simple to determine what's going on, especially when certain cardiac symptoms don't manifest in the chest. If you are over 60, overweight, or suffer from diabetes, high cholesterol, or high blood pressure, you should be extremely cautious about anything related to your heart. Listed below are the top ten times you should consult a cardiac doctor. You're feeling the ache in your chest. Chest pain is a leading indicator of heart disease. Pain in the chest that develops or worsens with physical activity may indicate that the heart isn't receiving enough blood, though there are other possible reasons for chest pain as well. A cardiologist will be able to aid in diagnosis and treatment. The ache in your chest could indicate th

How Heart Doctor Near Me Can Help You Predict Heart Health?

Despite the best medical care available, morbidity and mortality rates for heart failure are still high. A year after being diagnosed, 23% of patients will die. A heart failure program aims to provide patients and caregivers with evidence-based diagnosis, treatment, and education. In addition, one to two per cent of adults is estimated to have high blood pressure. The clinic's mission is to provide patients with heart failure with evidence-based diagnosis and treatment, as well as education for the patients and those who care for them. A multifaceted treatment approach to patients' symptoms, quality of life, and mortality is the overall goal. Predicting Your Heart Health Is Possible With the Help of a Local Heart Doctor. Patients with congestive heart failure (CHF) have a poor prognosis, even worse than patients with most cancers. Despite significant advances in medical treatment, the outlook is still bleak, with a 5-year mortality rate of 40–50 per cent. As many as 50 per cent

Modern Ways to Treat Cardiological Diseases – Indore Cardiologist

What is the difference between cardiac arrest and heart attacks? Many people don't realise that they're not the same. According to Indore cardiologist Dr Sarita Rao , a heart attack occurs when blood flow to the heart is obstructed. According to an Indore cardiologist, a sudden heart attack, heart failure, or a stroke are among the leading causes of death. About 17.7 million Indians die yearly from heart disease, most of which occur in people under 40. Including fear in this number is a mistake. However, he wants you to know the latest methods for preventing and treating heart disease. Make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible if you notice any signs of heart disease, such as chest pain or shortness of breath. Cardiac diseases can be significantly helped by modern technology. Likewise, cardiologists can provide the best possible care thanks to cutting-edge technology. The heart doesn't stop beating during a heart attack, but it does in a case of sudden cardia

All about the TAVI procedure

Implantation of a Transcatheter Aortic Valve (TAVI) It's a procedure for repairing an aortic valve that's been damaged. You will have an artificial heart valve made of natural animal heart tissue installed during a TAVI operation. What's the point of getting a TAVI? If you have a problem with your aortic valve and are at high risk for open-heart surgery, your doctor may consider a TAVI operation. One of the heart's four primary valves is the aortic valve, also known as the tricuspid valve. Blood flows from your heart to the rest of your body in one way while your heart beats. What is the procedure for a TAVI? A general or local anesthetic will be administered before your TAVI operation, which will take 1-2 hours on average. A catheter (a hollow tube with a balloon at its tip) is placed into an artery in either the groin or under the collarbone. Once the catheter is in place in your heart, the aortic valve is closed, and the procedure is complete. The balloon is gently i

How to avoid Heart problems in young people

A heart attack occurs when blood flow to the heart muscle is substantially or completely cut off. As a result of the tragic deaths of these well-known figures, a national conversation has erupted on whether or not young (and, in fact, fairly physically fit) people can suffer a heart attack. What is a heart attack, and how can you know if you have one? An arterial blockage or blood clot that prevents blood from reaching the heart is a myocardial infarction or heart attack. Coronary arteries can narrow and cause a heart attack if blood flow to the heart is suddenly cut off due to plaque buildup from fatty deposits, including cholesterol. As a result, most heart attacks are deadly, necessitating prompt medical attention. Why is the rising number of young people dying from heart attacks? As a result of lifestyle, food, and genetic factors, heart attacks are becoming more common in the 30s and 40s. There has been a rise in post-COVID cardiac difficulties, clotting abnormalities, and other

Now, heart patient can go for a stent which disappears

Apollo Hospitals, Indore has performed Central In dia's first bioresorbable vascular angioplasty in which bioresorbable vascu lar scaffolds were implanted which slowly dissolved in the body. Moreover, the indigenous vascular scaffold also elim. inates the blood thinning medicines in a few months and patients do not have to continue it for long. According to Dr Sarita Rao, first female cardiologist in India to implant the latest technology, "It is first of its kind procedure in Central India and the world's only approved biore sorbable vascular scaffold. It is a true testament to the innovation and research po- tential of India. It has been developed under the Make polymer in India campaign." The bioresorbable vascu- lar scaffold looks like a stent, which slowly dis solves in the body. Dr Roshan Rao, head department of cardiology, Apollo Hospital Indore said that vascular scaffolds. technology advancement, contain a soluble element known as biodegradable polymer.  The

Precautions and preventive measures to avoid heart issues at a younger age

Dr Sarita Rao, who is a senior Interventional Cardiologist Apollo hospital,indore In tack 8-10 years earlier than other ethnic groups. She adds that the most unfortunate fact is that 40% of people in our country who develop heart attacks are under the age of 55. She shares that the risk of a young Indian getting a heart attack is nearly three times more than that of the West, and adds, "There are several risk factors of heart attack that are classified broadly in two categories- modifiable and non-modifiable. The non-modifiable factors include advancing age, gender-males are more prone, ethnicity- Indians at higher risk, family history of heart problems and modifiable risk factors like high blood pressure, diabetes, high lipids (cholesterol), smoking, obesity and physical inactivity. Talking about youngsters particularly, it is more of modifiable factors that can be altered in order to keep your heart healthy in the longer run." There are various signs and symptoms of a hear