Precautions and preventive measures to avoid heart issues at a younger age

Dr Sarita Rao, who is a senior Interventional Cardiologist Apollo hospital,indore In tack 8-10 years earlier than other ethnic groups. She adds that the most unfortunate fact is that 40% of people in our country who develop heart attacks are under the age of 55.

She shares that the risk of a young Indian getting a heart attack is nearly three times more than that of the West, and adds, "There are several risk factors of heart attack that are classified broadly in two categories- modifiable and non-modifiable. The non-modifiable factors include advancing age, gender-males are more prone, ethnicity- Indians at higher risk, family history of heart problems and modifiable risk factors like high blood pressure, diabetes, high lipids (cholesterol), smoking, obesity and physical inactivity. Talking about youngsters particularly, it is more of modifiable factors that can be altered in order to keep your heart healthy in the longer run."

There are various signs and symptoms of a heart attack if identified early can save a person's life. "The most common symptoms in clude chest pain with sweating but some patients may experience pain in the lower jaw or in the stomach. Nauseous feeling and tightness in the chest can also be a sign of a heart attack," says she.

Elaborating on the modifiable risk factors of a heart attack Dr Rao-cardiologist in indore adds, "Tobacco con sumption (smoking cigarette and bidi) and smokeless tobacco (chewing tobacco) has be come quite common these days in youngsters and it increases the risk of a premature heart attack. Smoking especially can lead to clot formation, blockage of coronary arteries. Apart from this, diabetes which is also common in youngsters these days re sults in premature heart disease due to inflammation of the arterial wall. and increased tendency for clot formation. Controlling modifiable risk factors like diabetes and hypertension, avoiding junk food, adding physical activities to routine, and deaddiction are very basic changes that can be adopted to avoid a heart attack."

The heart doctor concludes, "Emotional well-being should also be given equal importance. Yoga is the best activity to keep a per son physically and spiritually healthy It is an excellent stress management technique. Adopting healthy habits starting from childhood or at school level is essential so that we can prevent risk factors for heart attack."

Heart Attack Prevention and Precautions

Lifestyle modification will be a key factor to re duce the risk factors as well as prevent prema ture heart attacks. This approach is simple, af fordable and effective.

It is recommended that every individual above 18 years of age must indulge in 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Regular moderate-in tensity aerobic (isotonic) exercise like brisk walking, cycling, jogging, and swimming for five days a week helps in reducing heart attacks by 30 percent. 

Include plenty of vegetables, fruits, nuts, soya products and low-fat dairy products in your daily diet. One should substitute milk with soya products, which are rich in vegetable proteins, and have less fat, have no cholesterol, and are rich in calcium and minerals. Avoid trans-fatty acids (used at fast-food centres, cookies, chips etc. as these are more dangerous than saturated fats as they increase bad cholesterol- LDL choles terol, and decrease good cholesterol-HDL cholesterol. One should avoid overheating and reuse cooking oil.


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