Modern Ways to Treat Cardiological Diseases – Indore Cardiologist

What is the difference between cardiac arrest and heart attacks? Many people don't realise that they're not the same. According to Indore cardiologist Dr Sarita Rao, a heart attack occurs when blood flow to the heart is obstructed.

According to an Indore cardiologist, a sudden heart attack, heart failure, or a stroke are among the leading causes of death. About 17.7 million Indians die yearly from heart disease, most of which occur in people under 40. Including fear in this number is a mistake. However, he wants you to know the latest methods for preventing and treating heart disease. Make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible if you notice any signs of heart disease, such as chest pain or shortness of breath.

Cardiac diseases can be significantly helped by modern technology. Likewise, cardiologists can provide the best possible care thanks to cutting-edge technology.

The heart doesn't stop beating during a heart attack, but it does in a case of sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). As a result, the blood supply to the brain and other vital organs is also cut off.

Let's understand the cause of cardiological diseases 

SCA occurs when the heart's electrical system malfunctions, resulting in an irregular heartbeat. An Indore cardiologist doctor describes the diagnosis of an electrical problem. Cardiovascular disease (CAD), structural heart changes, and some physical stress are among the conditions that can lead to ventricular fibrillation.

Symptoms of the cardiological disease

Fainting is one of the signs of SCA (loss of consciousness). In addition, according to an Indore cardiologist, some people may experience chest pain, shortness of breath and nausea or vomiting.

The Indore Cardiologist's Modern Treatment Plan for Treating Cardiological Diseases

Surgeons perform coronary artery bypass surgery.

When an artery is blocked, blood flow to a section of the heart. The most common procedure is a coronary artery bypass graft. Repairing a blocked blood vessel can be done using healthy blood vessels from another body.

Angiography of the heart

This procedure aims to open up coronary arteries that have become narrow or blocked. A stent, a wire-mesh tube that facilitates better blood flow, is frequently used in conjunction with this procedure.

Pacemaker:- Pacemakers can aid you in regaining an active and healthy lifestyle. The heart is a type of organ in the human body that a liver cannot replace. A person cannot survive without a soul. When a heart problem arises, it is impossible to diagnose it through medication; this is the best way to deal with it.

TMT :- TMT is a stress test or cardiopulmonary exercise test. It can help you figure out how far your heart can go before it starts to beat abnormally. You will be required to walk for the duration of the test, and difficulty will increase over time. Any blockage in the coronary artery indicates that the heart isn't receiving a significant amount of blood, and the treadmill test demonstrates that this is the case.

Implantation of a Device:- There are a variety of medical devices that can help regulate the heartbeat and maintain healthy blood flow.

Dr. Sarita Rao is one of the Best cardiologists in Madhya Pradesh who is known for the treatment of heart disease in Indore. Book your appointment now for your heart disease treatment with the Top Cardiologist in Indore

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To More Post: -  All about the TAVI procedure


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