Now, heart patient can go for a stent which disappears

Apollo Hospitals, Indore has performed Central In dia's first bioresorbable vascular angioplasty in which bioresorbable vascu lar scaffolds were implanted which slowly dissolved in the body.

Moreover, the indigenous vascular scaffold also elim. inates the blood thinning medicines in a few months and patients do not have to continue it for long.

According to Dr Sarita Rao, first female cardiologist in India to implant the latest technology, "It is first of its kind procedure in Central India and the world's only approved biore sorbable vascular scaffold. It is a true testament to the innovation and research po- tential of India. It has been developed under the Make polymer in India campaign."

The bioresorbable vascu- lar scaffold looks like a stent, which slowly dis solves in the body.

Dr Roshan Rao, head department of cardiology, Apollo Hospital Indore said that vascular scaffolds. technology advancement, contain a soluble element known as biodegradable polymer. 

The device's struts (collab orative platform) are only 100 microns thick, while high as 150 microns, causing problems. This provided strength to the stents used to maintain strength of an open cytoplasm. It has its own delivery mechanism, which is based on the balloon catheter. It can be easily installed in the  correct position by means three radio markers.

He also said that its cost is also less than the dissolv able stents available at present, which benefits a large number of patients. At present, this therapy is available only in a few units of Apollo Hospital as a pi lot; soon it will be available across the country.

The patient was 45 years old and recovered and was: discharged from the hospi tal in 2 days.

The procedure was done by the team of Apollo Hos pital Indore. Dr K Roshan Rao, Dr Sarita Rao, Dr. Kshitij Dubey, Dr Vikas Gupta, and Dr Vivek Chandrawat other senior doctors comprised the team.

Dr. Sarita Rao is one of the best cardiac surgeons at Apollo Hospital in Indore, if you are looking for Top cardiologist in Indore then call us for appointment at 9893925000 or for more details visit our website online -

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