
Technology Transforming Cardiac Care for the Better

Technological innovations have created a revolution in the  health care  sector and changed the way how diseases are viewed and managed across the world. Cardiovascular medicine is undergo- ing radical changes day by day as a result of the vast amount of informa- tion and resources being channeled into the field across the globe. The global health care has been miniatur- ized as a result of these innovations. Since the late 1990s, imaging in car- diovascular field has evolved from routine coronary angiography to computerized tomography [CT scan]. cardiac magnetic resonance (MRI), electron-beam computerized tomog- raphy [EBCT], and advanced echocar diography. Intravascular coronary imaging techniques like IVUS (intra vascular ultrasound) & OCT (optical coherence tomography) has created a revolution in the field of coronary angiography and angioplasty. New and improved surgical inter- vention techniques are helping save lives and hastening recovery among cardiac patients many of whom

A first in Central India by Apollo hospitals

Apollo hospitals, Indore, marked a key milestone by  performing the first- day care or same day angioplasty on 69 year old male. Day care or day stay procedures cut hospital stay of a patient significantly and allow a  patient to be back in the confort of their homes the same day. Angioplasty involves me-chanically widening the narrowed or obstructed ar-teries. The patient, Rad-havallabh Tank, had been diagnosed with a blocked coronary vessel causing breathlessness and heavi-ness of the chest and was advised angioplasty. The angioplasty procedure is routinely performed at ma-jor tertiary care hospitals and entails a two- to three-day-long stay in hospital.  In a first in central India, doctors at the Vijay Nagar-based Apollo Hospitals performed radial angio-plasty.  Dr Sarita Rao, senior con-sultant, said, "We saw during the pandemic a scarcity of beds and the deadly virus disease which killed millions worldwide due to a lack of beds and hospital infrastructure. This led us to th

Effect of bad lifestyle on heart

Heart is the most vital organ of the body, There are several factors which increases the risk of heart diseases and can lead to severe problems and death. When we talk about heart diseases lifestyle play and important role in maintaining healthy heart health, the increased risk of heart diseases can be most probably due to bad lifestyle or habits that increases the risk factors and lead to worsen the condition. Small healthy changes in the daily routine and working on a proper lifestyle can decrease the risk of heart diseases, well making changes in daily routine is always challenging. There are certain factors that must be kept in mind which are related to lifestyle and lead to heart diseases. These factors include daily normal routine activities and bad habits like smoking and alcohol. The most common bad lifestyle factors includes- Unhealthy Diet - Date play an important role in functioning of the body and the heart the overall food you eat affects your heart, small healthy change

Importance of coronary angiography

Coronary angiography is the medical test that is used to look at the coronary arteries, the main aim of coronary and your girlfriend is too help diagnosing certain heart diseases. The rear arteries are responsible to bring oxygenated blood to the heart this test is generally used to check for narrowed or any blockage in coronary arteries or in the assessment of anatomy or structure of the coronary artery. In the cases of blocked coronary artery there are risk of developing many hard diseases such as coronary heart disease, heart failure, angina. If there is blockage in the coronary artery for a long direction of time that can also lead to heart attack which may cause death. Coronary angiography is an imaging test that uses X-ray to view the blood vessels, the x-rays which are provided by angiography are called as ingiograms. If there is any narrowing, mallformed, enlarged or blocked arteries or the veins in the heart it can be easily detected by coronary angiography. There are variety

Heart Disease in Women

Heart disease is thought of to be more of a health problem Heart disease risk factors for women for men as compared to women. However, it's the most several traditional risk factors for coronary artery disease common cause of death for both women and men around such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure and obesny the world. Because some heart disease symptoms in affect both women and men. But other factors can pray women can differ from those in men, women often don't hinder role in the development of heart disease in women, know what to look for. Heart disease risk factors for women include: Fortunately, by learning their unique heart disease symptoms, women can begin to reduce their risks. Heart attack symptoms for women The most common heart attack symptom in women is the same as in men with some type of chest pain, pressure or discomfort that lasts more than a few minutes or comes and goes. But chest pain is not always severe or even the most noticeable symptom, particu

All about Open Heart Surgery

Open heart surgery is a type of cardiac surgery in which coronary bypass is done around a section of blocked or any partially blocked artery in the heart, this surgery include the cut open chest and the surgery is performed on the muscles valves or the arteries of the heart. Coronary artery bypass grafting CABG is the most common type of open heart surgery that is done. During the surgery any healthy artery or vein is attached to the blocked coronary artery , in this procedure the surgeon take a healthy vessel from the leg arm or the chest  region, which afterwards supply the blood flow to the heart muscles through a new pathway. Coronary bypass surgery generally does not cure heart disease that cause blockages like coronary artery disease and atherosclerosis, but can ease the symptoms such as pain in chest,  shortness of breath and fatigue, this surgery is generally done to improve functioning of the heart  and to reduce the risk factor of dying or demise due to heart diseases.. When

All You Should Know About Cardiac Arrest

Cardiac arrest is mainly caused due to heart attack, it is a sudden abrupt loss of heart functioning consciousness and breathing, cardiac arrest generally results due to rhythmic functions for the electrical system of the heart which lead to disrupt hearts pumping action and stop the blood flow from the heart to the body. Cardiac arrest as a major cause of death nowadays, it can come suddenly or in the wake of other symptoms, cardiac arrest can be very fattal if appropriate steps are not taken immediately on time. Cardiac arrest is caused when the electrical system malfunctions and the heart stops beating properly due to this in appropriate breathing the heart stops pumping or is arrested, & stops working that is why it is called as cardiac arrest.  Symptoms of cardiac arrest:- There are many signs and symptoms of cardiac arrest that can not be clearly defined as symptoms of cardiac arrest, the most common symptoms are immediate and drastic it includes- Loss of breathing Loss of c