Importance of coronary angiography

Coronary angiography is the medical test that is used to look at the coronary arteries, the main aim of coronary and your girlfriend is too help diagnosing certain heart diseases. The rear arteries are responsible to bring oxygenated blood to the heart this test is generally used to check for narrowed or any blockage in coronary arteries or in the assessment of anatomy or structure of the coronary artery. In the cases of blocked coronary artery there are risk of developing many hard diseases such as coronary heart disease, heart failure, angina. If there is blockage in the coronary artery for a long direction of time that can also lead to heart attack which may cause death.

Coronary angiography is an imaging test that uses X-ray to view the blood vessels, the x-rays which are provided by angiography are called as ingiograms. If there is any narrowing, mallformed, enlarged or blocked arteries or the veins in the heart it can be easily detected by coronary angiography.

There are variety of heart diseases that require coronary angiography, as a mean off diagnosis,These conditions include-
  • Chest pain
  • Congenital heart disease
  • Coronary artery disease
  • Valvular disease
  • Any blood vessel problems or blockage
  • Pain in neck and jaw
Importance of coronary angiography:-

-Diagnosing heart conditions- call Mary and geography can be used to diagnose number of heart diseases.
  • Coronary heart disease- This involves buildup of fatty substances in the coronary arteries, coronary artery are the main artries that supplies the blood to the heart, any blockage in the coronary artery affects the hearts blood supply, coronary heart disease can lead to angina and heart attacks.
  • Heart attack- Serious medical emergencies where there is sudden blockage in the blood supply which is usually caused by blood clot.
  • Congenital heart diseases- Coronary angiography can be used to diagnose congenital heart diseases usually in children's arrange of birth defects that affect the normal working of the heart is called as congenital heart disease.
  • Valvular heart disease- Any problems in the valves of heart that affects the blood supply this include problem with the function of one or more valves within the heart.
  • Angina- A dull, heavy or tight pain in the chest that is caused by restriction in the hearts blood supply is called Angina.
Treating heart problems -

Coronary angiography is the main test that is used before or during certain cardiac treatments like-
  • Coronary angioplasty- Or percutaneous  coronary intervention A procedure that is used to widen the narrowed or blocked coronary artery.
  • CABG- Coronary artery bypass grafting surgery that is performed to divert the blood around the narrow arteries and to improve the blood flow to the heart.
  • Heart valve surgery- This is a operation to repair and to replace the heart walls that were responsible for the blockage of blood supply to the heart.

Along with all the above mentioned importance there are certain points that can be detected, ie-
  • Pin pointing There the blockages are located in the blood vessels.
  • To evaluate how much blood flow is blocked through the blood vessels.
  • To check the results of previous coronary bypass surgery
  • To check the blood flow of the heart blood vessels.
  • To show the location and the exact scenario of how many of the coronary arteries are blocked.
  • Detection of arteriosclerosis.

Coronary angiography is a diagnostic and used as a preventive measures to detect and help in early prevention of heart diseases, Heart related problems can be life threatening and should not be avoided, in case of symptoms or conditions mentioned above, consult , Dr. Sarita rao, She is one of the best cardiac surgeon in Indore and ranked amongst the best cardiologist in Madhya Pradesh.Call now for an appointment at 9893925000 or online  visit for more information -  

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To More Post: -  Heart Disease in Women


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