All about Open Heart Surgery

Open heart surgery is a type of cardiac surgery in which coronary bypass is done around a section of blocked or any partially blocked artery in the heart, this surgery include the cut open chest and the surgery is performed on the muscles valves or the arteries of the heart. Coronary artery bypass grafting CABG is the most common type of open heart surgery that is done. During the surgery any healthy artery or vein is attached to the blocked coronary artery , in this procedure the surgeon take a healthy vessel from the leg arm or the chest  region, which afterwards supply the blood flow to the heart muscles through a new pathway.

Coronary bypass surgery generally does not cure heart disease that cause blockages like coronary artery disease and atherosclerosis, but can ease the symptoms such as pain in chest,  shortness of breath and fatigue, this surgery is generally done to improve functioning of the heart  and to reduce the risk factor of dying or demise due to heart diseases..

When it is needed:-

Open heart surgery can be done to perform a CABG, it is necessary for the people with coronary heart disease. Coronary Heart disease occurs when the blood vessels that supplies the oxygen and provide blood to the heart muscles narrowed and hardens down this is called hardening of the arteries. This can be due to fatty plague  deposits on the wall of coronary arteries which causes blockage and due to the blockage the blood can't flow properly and a heart attack can occur.

The main aim of open heart surgery is to -

  • Repair or replace the heart valves which allow proper blood flow through the heart.
  • To repair abnormal areas of the heart that are being damaged
  • Attain or implant medical devices that helps the heart beat properly in cases of arrythmias
Open heart surgery is also done if

  • There is severe chest pain that is caused due to narrowing of arteries
  • You have had previous angioplasty or placement of stent to hold the arteries that hasn't been successful
  • In case of archery blockage that can't be treated with any other procedure
Coronary bypass surgery is all to performed in emergency situations like heart attack and for blocked arteries of the heart.


As the following procedure is an open heart surgery there are certain complications which can be seen during or after the procedure most common complications and risk factors include - 
  • Kidney problems
  • Heavy bleeding
  • Stroke
  • Infections that can be at site of wound
  • Arrythmias ( irregular heart beat)
  • Memory loss which can last within 6 to 12 months
  • Chances of heart attack
  • Blood clot
  • Chest pain
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Pneumonia
  • Lung failures
Well the risk off developing any complication is very low but it also depends on the overall health of the individual on which the surgery is performed, generally this risk factors are more prominently seen in emergency procedures or in cases of comorbidity.


It can't take up to 6 to 12 weeks to fully require after the surgery, After the surgery people feel better and the outcome is good for many people, and remain symptom free as long as 10 to 15 years, however it is also possible that other arteries or even the new grafted artery used in the bypass surgery can become clogged and can require another bypass or angioplasty. The results and the outcome will depend on blood clot prevention and the care, it is advised that after the open heart surgery patient should always follow some rules like- 
  • Control blood pressure
  • Control or lower down cholesterol levels
  • Control diabetes
  • Quit smoking
  • Exercise regularly
  • Active lifestyle
  • Cutting on high fat food, sugar and salt
  • Manage stress
  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  • Taking proper nutrition and diet
Along with these getting enough sleep play and important role in recovery period, there are many patients that experience trouble while sleeping after the open heart surgery but it is very important to get appropriate amount of sleep for a healthy recovery and outcome, try to take medications on time and maintain a healthy lifestyle with proper diet and proper water intake, also especially you should limit alcohol stop using illegal drugs and avoid caffeine especially in the evening.

If you are looking for the Best cardiologist for Heart Surgery at affordable cost, Dr. Sarita Rao is one of the Best Cardiologists in Madhya Pradesh and provides Heart Disease treatment at her clinic in Indore. For book your appointment call us immediately on +91 9893925000 or visit the site -

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