Effect of bad lifestyle on heart

Heart is the most vital organ of the body, There are several factors which increases the risk of heart diseases and can lead to severe problems and death. When we talk about heart diseases lifestyle play and important role in maintaining healthy heart health, the increased risk of heart diseases can be most probably due to bad lifestyle or habits that increases the risk factors and lead to worsen the condition.

Small healthy changes in the daily routine and working on a proper lifestyle can decrease the risk of heart diseases, well making changes in daily routine is always challenging. There are certain factors that must be kept in mind which are related to lifestyle and lead to heart diseases. These factors include daily normal routine activities and bad habits like smoking and alcohol.

The most common bad lifestyle factors includes-

  • Unhealthy Diet - Date play an important role in functioning of the body and the heart the overall food you eat affects your heart, small healthy changes in the diet can decrease the risk of heart diseases and stroke. Unhealthy diet is the main enemy of heart which leads to certain heart diseases. Diet changes can help you decrease the risk factors try to eat fruits and vegetables as much as possible, avoid cholesterol and unhealthy facts. Try consuming beans, legumes, whole grain, healthy fats,lean meat and fish as this could help you in maintaining proper weight as well.

  • Not enough exercise - Being physically active is very important for healthy heart and brain, increasing the exercise day by day can help you to strengthen your heart and avoid many heart diseases like irregular heartbeat, choking and heart attack, people who are not active or does not get enough exercise has double risk of heart diseases and increased risk of diabetes & cancer as well.

  • Smoking and alcohol - One of the best things our lifestyle changes that should be done to avoid hard diseases are smoking and alcohol. Chemicals present inside tobacco or the alcohol can damage the hearts and blood vessels, smoking reduces the oxygen level in the blood which can increase the blood pressure and heart rate as the heart have to work faster for pumping. Try to quit smoking and alcohol as soon as possible as this could be life threatening and are the most important factors that increases the heart diseases.

  • Unhealthy weight - Being overweight can increase the risk of heart diseases as access weight can lead to conditions that may affect the heart like high blood pressure high cholesterol and the most common diabetes type 2. Exercise regularly to maintain a healthy weight, people with unhealthy weight or BMI more than 25 are more prone to developing many other serious problems.

  • Not getting enough sleep - People who do not get enough sleep have high risk of developing high blood pressure , heart attacks,diabetes, depression and obesity, minimum 6-7  hours of sleep every night is very important in maintaining healthy heart health, sleep play an important role in resting the body and the heart to function well the next day, Not getting enough sleep can lead to stress on the heart which may cause heart attack and heart failures.

  • Excessive stress - Weather you are overloaded at work or stressed out due to  busy schedules try managing stress because unfortunately excessive stress can increase the risk of heart diseases due to rise and blood pressure which puts more strain to the arteries of the heart and can cause permanent damage. Stress can lead to growth of bad habits like smoking and drinking excess of alcohol which overall is more risky for the heart and for the body as well, some of the factors that can be used to get rid of stress are exercising listening to music ,yoga ,meditation and spending time alone.

Along with this there are certain lifestyle that must be changed along with time to decrease these type of risks and to lead a healthy life. If you are worried or have any questions regarding healthy lifestyle changes or heart conditions, Consult Dr. Sarita rao, She is one of the Best cardiac surgeon in Indore and ranked amongst the Best cardiologist in Madhya Pradesh. Call now for an appointment at 9893925000 or online  visit for more information - https://drsaritaraocardiologist.com/

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To More Post: -  Importance of coronary angiography


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