
How Lifestyle Factors are Helpful In Heart Disease Prevention?

Heart diseases are one of the most common cause of death all over the world, in heart diseases the heart is unable to pump proper amount of blood in the body which me also lead to other serious complications, along with the heart diseases there comes many complications which might get severe with time and which also could be main cause of death. In several health conditions Lifestyle , age and family history can increase the risk of heart diseases, some of the risk factors for heart diseases can't be stopped or controlled for example age and family history but there are several steps that we can take to lower down the risk of heart diseases. Certain Lifestyle changes, eating habits and other factors may contribute for better heart health and it's proper functioning. Conditions that can increase the risk of heart diseases:- High blood pressure- high blood pressure is the most common and the major risk factor for heart diseases, that blood pressure increases when the pressure o


Depression and heart attack are one of the most disabling conditions we face in our daily life, they are amongst the very widespread in general population and generally occurs simultaneously in the same individual, it is basically a two way relationship between heart disease and depression. There are many percentage people who has no history of depression but become depressed after heart attack auto developing any heart failure, Hindi people with depression but no previously diagnose heart disease tend to develop heart disease at higher rate than the normal people. When a person experience depression anxiety and stress the heart rate and the blood pressure rises there is reduced blood flow to the heart and body produces high level of cortisol a stress hormone , over the time these changes can lead to the development of heart disease. Depression is also a leading cause of problems like heart failure, Stoke or CVA. Role of depression in patients with Heart Attack Up to 30% of the people

Benefits of TAVI Procedure:-

TAVI procedure broadly called as trans catheter aortic valve implantation is a minimally invasive procedure of heart that is used to replace a thickened a aortic wall that cannot be opened fully (aortic valve stenosis). In this procedure an artificial valve is made of natural animal heart tissue that is implanted to the heart. The aortic valve is located between the lower left heart chamber and the body's Aorta. If there is any condition in which the valve does not open properly the blood flow from the heart to the body get reduced.  TAVI procedure is helpful to restore the flow of blood and to reduce the sign and symptoms of aortic valve stenosis that is chest pain shortness of breathing fainting and fatigue. Why TAVI is done:- Transcatheter aortic valve implantation if the mean treatment for stenosis of aortic valve, which generally occurs when the aortic valve thickens down and become stiff. Transcatheter aortic valve implantation is an alternative option for the open Heart att

Know about Coronary Angiography

Coronary angiography the test is used to find out if there is any blockage in the coronary artery, it is an imaging test that uses x-ray to view the blood vessels the X-rays provided by angiography are called as angiograms. This test is usually done to study narrow, blocked, malformed or enlarged arteries or the veins in the heart.  What happens in Coronary angiography:- In coronary angiography the doctor will inject a liquid I through the thin flexible tube called as catheter, the doctor will treat the catheter into the desired hartree from the access point the access point is generally the arm but it can also be your groin. This dye make with blood flowing inside the blood vessel visible on the accessories and this is used to examine any narrowed or blocked area in the blood vessels, did I know that is inserted is later on eliminated from the body by kidneys and urine. This test is also known as cardiac angiogram,  catheter arteriography or cardiac catheterization. Why it is done:-


Heart diseases and diabetes both are the most common health problems nowadays. And heart diseases are very common in people who are having diabetes. Even the reports have proved that 65% of the people who are having diabetes are at risk of heart diseases or stroke, it is also true that the risk of heart diseases and stroke are more more than twice as high in people with diabetes. As in diabetes people have increased chance of developing a heart disease but this condition is more common in type 2 diabetes and in fact heart diseases are the most common cause of death in people having type 2 diabetes. Symptoms of heart failure:- Fatigue and lethargy Shortness of breath with any kind of activities or even while lying down Irregular heartbeat or rapid heartbeat Excess of cough with white or pink blood mucus Nausea Swelling of the abdomen Decrease in alertness Difficulty in concentrating Chest pain that may vary according to time Causes of heart disease in people with diabetes:- The most com


Heart failure also known as congestive heart failure - generally occurs when the heart muscles does not pump the enough blood as it should. What heart failure occurs the blood of an backs up that may lead to to build up of fluid in the lungs, that usually causes shortness of breath. Many of the heart diseases sources coronary artery disease ( narrowing in the arteries of heart) Or high blood pressure can cause weakening of heart health that may lead to improper flow of blood and heart failure. Heart failure is irrespective of any age but generally occurs in ages above 40 because of many factors such as un healthy lifestyle, no routine of exercises, over taking of salt , the only way to prevent the heart failure is to change the lifestyle and to control conditions that may cause heart failure such as diabetes, obesity & high blood pressure. Symptoms of heart failure:- Heart failure can be due to many symptoms that include either due to any other heart conditions or due to the lifes


High cholesterol levels in the body can increase the risk of heart diseases and heart attack, medications play an important role in maintaining the cholesterol level and to improve them, but before medications the initial step that it is kept in mind is to make lifestyle changes & maintaining healthy eating habits.  Cholesterol is generally made in liver and also has many important functions like it helps keeping the walls of cells flexible that is needed to make several hormones. But excess of anything can cause problem meanwhile too much cholesterol can be a problem for the body, here are some of the tips that can help you to improve and maintain your cholesterol levels:- 1) Eat healthy foods that is good for your heart -  To improve the cholesterol levels only a few changes in your diet can help you a lot Reduce saturated fats - saturated fats are primarily found in red meat and full fat dairy products that can raise your total cholesterol. Decreasing the consumption of saturate