How Lifestyle Factors are Helpful In Heart Disease Prevention?

Heart diseases are one of the most common cause of death all over the world, in heart diseases the heart is unable to pump proper amount of blood in the body which me also lead to other serious complications, along with the heart diseases there comes many complications which might get severe with time and which also could be main cause of death.

In several health conditions Lifestyle , age and family history can increase the risk of heart diseases, some of the risk factors for heart diseases can't be stopped or controlled for example age and family history but there are several steps that we can take to lower down the risk of heart diseases. Certain Lifestyle changes, eating habits and other factors may contribute for better heart health and it's proper functioning.

Conditions that can increase the risk of heart diseases:-

  • High blood pressure- high blood pressure is the most common and the major risk factor for heart diseases, that blood pressure increases when the pressure of blood in the arteries and other vessels is too high, if the high blood pressure is not controlled on time it can leads to affect the heart and the major organs of the body which includes the brain and kidney.

  • Unhealthy cholesterol levels- cholesterol can also be a factor that affects most of the people and leads to heart disease, cholesterol forms a fatty plague on the walls of the arteries , this formation leads to narrowing of the artery which can decrease the blood pressure due to the decreased blood flow to the heart, brain,  kidney and other parts of the body there is risk of heart diseases and other organ failures too.

  • Diabetes mallitus- if a person has diabetes the body does not make enough insulin or it is unable to use its own insulin, diabetes causes sugar to build up in the blood which can increase the risk of heart diseases it's very important to prevent or manage diabetes to control any other risk factors.

Lifestyle changes to prevent heart diseases- 

  • Quit Smoking:- The very thing which should be stopped is smoking, smoking may lead to chronic diseases that leads to death, smoking is the major cause of death due to heart disease. Quit smoking and also don't stay in the environmen where smoking is being done.

  • Eat healthy:-
    A healthy eating habit and good nutrition is the best weapon to fight against heart diseases, always try to eat balanced meal with proper amount of minerals, vitamins, protein and fibers. Have a diet which contains vegetables, fruits, dry fruits, cereals legumes, and proper dairy products, limit the use of cholesterol fatty acids, eat fruits which contains good fats, try to eat more healthy foods that is low in carbohydrates and Unhealthy fats, try to track the calories you eat.

  • Exercise daily:- exercising daily helps to keep the blood pressure normal, also help for cardiovascular health and for the respiratory health, resources that exercise in 30 minutes a day can help you to decrease the risk of heart disease as compared to normal individual, exercise also helps to lower down the cholesterol level and to maintain appropriate weight.

  • Reduce stress and anger:- researches have proved that being anxious and stressful can lead to rise in blood pressure, this increase in blood pressure can lead to stroke and other heart diseases, try to manage stress and try to meditate.

  • Manage diabetes:- At least 68% of people >65 years of age with Diabetes are at high risk of dying of some form of Heart Disease and  16% die of stroke . Other risk factors, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking, obesity, and lack of physical activity can greatly increase a person with diabetes’ chance of developing cardiovascular disease.

Lifestyle and daily habits contribute a lot in prevention of heart diseases, try to maintain daily Lifestyle routine to save yourself from any kind of heart disease, Heart is the base of the body, never ignore conditions like chest pain, short breath or warmth in chest, always consult the best, Dr. Sarita rao is one of the Best cardiac surgeon in Indore and ranked amongst the Best cardiologist in Madhya PradeshCall now for an appointment and more information at 9893925000.

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