
Prevention from another Heart attack

Preventing yourself from heart diseases and heart attack is not a one day prevention, changing lifestyle and many habits play a significant role in prevention of  heart attack and heart diseases. Recovering from a past Heart attack can seem to be a very long process, it is recommended that you should change your daily normal physical and activity routine. 20 changes can help you to generally improve your overall health and most importantly it can help you to reduce the risk of of having another heart attack.  Risk factors:- There are some of the risk factors that can increase the risk of another heart attack, these include -  Higher cholesterol levels High blood pressure High blood sugar levels Inactive lifestyle Being overweight or obesity Smoking Stress  Heavy use of alcohol Prevention tips:- Quit smoking- quitting smoking can help you to cut down the risk of another heart disease by 50%. Smoking is the major risk factor for heart disease, tobacco can cause blood clots which can da

How age is related to Heart Disease?

The elderly population and the ageing people are particularly more respectable to cardiovascular diseases, age play's a major role and is an independent risk factor for the cardiovascular diseases in adults. Some of the most common problems which comes along with the ageing is hypertension obesity and diabetes. All these factors can enhance and complicate the cardiac risk factors. It is seen that in both men and women the rest that is associated with the cardiovascular diseases increase with age and also it corresponds to an overall decline in the sex hormones that is primarily of oestrogen and testosterone.  Age plays a vital role in deterioration of the cardiovascular functionality and the heart health which results in an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases in older people. It is also seen that the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases has been shown to increase with the increase in age both in male and female, it also includes the prevalence of arteriosclerosis, myocardial

अब गायब होने वाले स्टेंट भी लगवा सकते हैं दिल के मरीज

 इंदौर (नगर प्रतिनिधि )। परक्यूटेनिवस. कोरोनरी . इंटरवेंशन (पीसीआई) , सामान्य तौर पर मेंटेलिक स्टेंट्स लगाए जाते और यह मेटेलिक स्टेंट्स हमेशा के लिए शरीर में रह जाता है। इस स्थिति में, एक चिकित्सा संबंधी स्केफोल्ड्स के रूप में हमारे सामने आई है। यह एक स्टेंट के समान दिखती है, जो धीरे- धीरे शरीर में घुल जाती है। ऐसे में खून को 'पतला करने वाली दवाई का इस्तेमाल भी कम समय के लिए किया जाता है । इस मौके पर बात कस्ते हुए डॉ. गेशन राव, सीनियर कंसल्टेंट इंटरवेंशन कार्डियोलॉजिस्ट एंड हेड डिपार्टमेंट ऑफ कार्डिबोलॉजी, अपोलो हॉस्पिटल इंदौर ने बल्नया की वैस्क्यूलर स्केफ़ोल्ड्स, एक वेक्‍नोलॉजी का एडवांसमेंट है, जिसमें एक घुलने वाला तत्व होता है जिसे बायोडिग्रेडेबल पॉलीमर के रूप में जाना जाता है। इस डिवाइस का स्ट्रट्स सहयोगी प्लेटफार्म केबला  100 माइऋोन्स मोटा होता है, जबकि पहले जो स्टेंट था, वह 150 माइऋोन्स के बराबर होता था, जो समस्या क्य कारण बनता था। यह एक खुले कोशिकातंत्र को मजबूती को बनाए रखने के लिए उपयोग में आने वाले स्टेंट को ताकत मुहैया करवाता था। इसका अपना एक डिलीवरी मैकेनिज्म होता है, ज

Few tips to get our heart rate under control

Introduction:- When we talk about heart rate, heart rate is the number of heartbeats per minute, heart rate is also known as pulse rate,  the normal resting heart rate for adults is mostly between 60 beats to 100 beats / minute. It is generally seen that the lower heart rate implies more efficient and perfect Heart function and also better cardiovascular fitness. It is very important to keep a proper check on your heart rate, healthy heart, proper diet, and a healthy weight as these are the most essential factors for healthy living. Keeping heart rate under check can help you to evaluate the risk of increasing heart diseases. If the changes in heart rate are not checked and treated, it may be associated with the increasing risk of cardiovascular diseases and stroke. The heart rate of an individual is not fixed it keeps fluctuating depending on the type of activity performed by the individual, fast-moving activities, cardiovascular exercises, cycling,  Gyming are some of the most commo

Life after Pacemaker / Living with Pacemaker

Pacemaker is small electronic device that is placed or implanted in the chest to help and control the heartbeat, ie. it helps to regulate the rhythm of heart. Most of the pacemakers are implanted to treat the symptoms that results from bradycardia (slow heart rate) which is caused by sick sinus syndrome on heart block.  Pacemaker is also called as cardiac patient device and implanting a pacemaker requires a surgical procedure.  Types of pacemaker:- Pacemaker implantation procedure is generally done depending on the condition of the patient, some of the types of pacemaker are- Single chamber pacemaker- This type of pacemaker generally carries the electrical impulses to the right ventricle of the heart. Dual chamber pacemaker- This type of pacemaker generally carries electrical impulses to right atrium and the right ventricle of the heart, this is done to control the timing of contractions between both the chambers. Biventricular pacemaker- bi ventricular pacing is also called cardiac

How Lifestyle Factors are Helpful In Heart Disease Prevention?

Heart diseases are one of the most common cause of death all over the world, in heart diseases the heart is unable to pump proper amount of blood in the body which me also lead to other serious complications, along with the heart diseases there comes many complications which might get severe with time and which also could be main cause of death. In several health conditions Lifestyle , age and family history can increase the risk of heart diseases, some of the risk factors for heart diseases can't be stopped or controlled for example age and family history but there are several steps that we can take to lower down the risk of heart diseases. Certain Lifestyle changes, eating habits and other factors may contribute for better heart health and it's proper functioning. Conditions that can increase the risk of heart diseases:- High blood pressure- high blood pressure is the most common and the major risk factor for heart diseases, that blood pressure increases when the pressure o


Depression and heart attack are one of the most disabling conditions we face in our daily life, they are amongst the very widespread in general population and generally occurs simultaneously in the same individual, it is basically a two way relationship between heart disease and depression. There are many percentage people who has no history of depression but become depressed after heart attack auto developing any heart failure, Hindi people with depression but no previously diagnose heart disease tend to develop heart disease at higher rate than the normal people. When a person experience depression anxiety and stress the heart rate and the blood pressure rises there is reduced blood flow to the heart and body produces high level of cortisol a stress hormone , over the time these changes can lead to the development of heart disease. Depression is also a leading cause of problems like heart failure, Stoke or CVA. Role of depression in patients with Heart Attack Up to 30% of the people