Is Chest pain a symptom of a Heart Attack? Prevention from a heart attack or heart disease?

 Chest pain or discomfort. Most heart attacks involve the center of the left side of the chest that lasts for more than a few minutes or that goes away or comes back. Your chest pain is serious when you have symptoms like the discomfort and uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness or pressure, tightness and crushing under your breastbone, also chest pain that spreads to your jaw left arm, or back another symptom includes sudden sharp chest pain with shortness of breath, especially after a long period of inactivity. Remember chest pain is only one of the possible signs of an impending heart attack. Most heart attacks involve discomfort in the center of the chest that lasts more than a few minutes or it may go away and then return. The major 4 signs of heart attack are pressure, tightness, pain or squeezing or aching sensation in your chest or arms that may spread to your neck, jaw or back, nausea, indigestion, heartburn or abdomen pain, shortness of breath, and cold sweat. These are some major signs and symptoms of a heart attack. There are some warning signs of a heart attack one should know are dizziness pigheadedness that is one feels like fainting another warning sign is shortness of breath and cold sweat these few symptoms should never be ignored,


There are few prevention's from a heart attack or heart disease they are the following, eat a heart-healthy diet. Firstly one needs to limit saturated fat intake in their diet, food high in sodium, added sugars also eat plenty of fruits and grains to avoid heart conditions. Prevention does not smoke or use tobacco one of the best things you can do to your heart is to stop smoking or tobacco chewing. Do daily activities for about 30 to 60 minutes. Maintain a healthy weight and try to avoid obesity keep monitoring your BMI, your BMI of more than 25 is considered overweight and usually has high cholesterol so, try to maintain your weight to avoid heart conditions like heart attack, etc. Get good quality sleep usually, people who do not have enough sleep have a risk of obesity, manage stress and get regular health screening. Keep your total cholesterol healthy. Keep monitoring your blood sugar. Also, remember good hydration may prevent or slow down changes in the heart. These are some important things to keep in mind to prevent cardiac diseases or heart attack conditions. Keeping small things in mind can cause a big positive difference in your health. Remember prevention is better than cure. For avoiding severe condition that can be life-threatening at times one need to take proper professional guidance and treatment on time to avoid complications.



Dr. Sarita Rao & Team


Aware of any kind of heart disease like heart attack, heart failure, angina treatment and angioplasty don't worry. consult Dr Sarita Rao at Dr. Rao's Hrriddayam Heart Care Centre, She is one of the Top cardiologist in indore, Mp, Call now for an appointment at 9893925000 or online  visit for more information




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