
Showing posts from November, 2021


Heart diseases and diabetes both are the most common health problems nowadays. And heart diseases are very common in people who are having diabetes. Even the reports have proved that 65% of the people who are having diabetes are at risk of heart diseases or stroke, it is also true that the risk of heart diseases and stroke are more more than twice as high in people with diabetes. As in diabetes people have increased chance of developing a heart disease but this condition is more common in type 2 diabetes and in fact heart diseases are the most common cause of death in people having type 2 diabetes. Symptoms of heart failure:- Fatigue and lethargy Shortness of breath with any kind of activities or even while lying down Irregular heartbeat or rapid heartbeat Excess of cough with white or pink blood mucus Nausea Swelling of the abdomen Decrease in alertness Difficulty in concentrating Chest pain that may vary according to time Causes of heart disease in people with diabetes:- The most com


Heart failure also known as congestive heart failure - generally occurs when the heart muscles does not pump the enough blood as it should. What heart failure occurs the blood of an backs up that may lead to to build up of fluid in the lungs, that usually causes shortness of breath. Many of the heart diseases sources coronary artery disease ( narrowing in the arteries of heart) Or high blood pressure can cause weakening of heart health that may lead to improper flow of blood and heart failure. Heart failure is irrespective of any age but generally occurs in ages above 40 because of many factors such as un healthy lifestyle, no routine of exercises, over taking of salt , the only way to prevent the heart failure is to change the lifestyle and to control conditions that may cause heart failure such as diabetes, obesity & high blood pressure. Symptoms of heart failure:- Heart failure can be due to many symptoms that include either due to any other heart conditions or due to the lifes