What precautions should you take after a Heart Stent Insertion?

Many patients report an improvement in quality of life after undergoing stenting. When performed quickly after a heart attack, it can save the patient's life. It can also lessen the risk of angina (chest pain) and plaque development, which can lead to a heart attack. While bypass surgery can put patients out of commission for up to six weeks, stenting patients can return to their daily lives sooner. Let's understand the term stent placed in the heart to treat blockages. A heart stent is a small tube implanted into a blocked coronary artery to restore blood flow. Metal, plastic, or a specific fabric can make stents. Stent grafts are more extensive, but stents are tiny metal tubes that expand independently. The treated artery can have medication applied to the stent to prevent further blockage. How safe is it to go about daily life after getting a stent in your heart? In the case of cardiac disease, a stent is not a treatment option. It is not a treatment but could add years to ...