
Showing posts from July, 2022

All about the TAVI procedure

Implantation of a Transcatheter Aortic Valve (TAVI) It's a procedure for repairing an aortic valve that's been damaged. You will have an artificial heart valve made of natural animal heart tissue installed during a TAVI operation. What's the point of getting a TAVI? If you have a problem with your aortic valve and are at high risk for open-heart surgery, your doctor may consider a TAVI operation. One of the heart's four primary valves is the aortic valve, also known as the tricuspid valve. Blood flows from your heart to the rest of your body in one way while your heart beats. What is the procedure for a TAVI? A general or local anesthetic will be administered before your TAVI operation, which will take 1-2 hours on average. A catheter (a hollow tube with a balloon at its tip) is placed into an artery in either the groin or under the collarbone. Once the catheter is in place in your heart, the aortic valve is closed, and the procedure is complete. The balloon is gently i

How to avoid Heart problems in young people

A heart attack occurs when blood flow to the heart muscle is substantially or completely cut off. As a result of the tragic deaths of these well-known figures, a national conversation has erupted on whether or not young (and, in fact, fairly physically fit) people can suffer a heart attack. What is a heart attack, and how can you know if you have one? An arterial blockage or blood clot that prevents blood from reaching the heart is a myocardial infarction or heart attack. Coronary arteries can narrow and cause a heart attack if blood flow to the heart is suddenly cut off due to plaque buildup from fatty deposits, including cholesterol. As a result, most heart attacks are deadly, necessitating prompt medical attention. Why is the rising number of young people dying from heart attacks? As a result of lifestyle, food, and genetic factors, heart attacks are becoming more common in the 30s and 40s. There has been a rise in post-COVID cardiac difficulties, clotting abnormalities, and other